Bridger Bowl ©AidanWeltner 2014-2016
Bridger Bowl ©AidanWeltner 2014-2016


save money

Did you know driving to the ski hill alone costs you up to $15 in gas, every single time? Catch a ride with someone else and save some dough, or offer to drive and get some cash to cover your costs.


be green

One ride at a time, baby. You’d have to plant as many as 4 trees to offset your carbon emissions every single time you make solo round trip to the hill. ShareLift saves almost a ton of carbon per skier each season.


get perks

We've called ahead to get you rock star parking. ShareLift has agreements with ski areas to get great parking and other perks when you share a lift. Not to mention the ultimate perk: new ski buddies.

Bridger Bowl, MT ©Aidan Weltner 2014-2016
Bridger Bowl, MT ©Aidan Weltner 2014-2016

Don't drive alone.

Find a cheap ride or make gas money, with ShareLift.
Big Sky, MT ©Aidan Weltner 2014-2016
Big Sky, MT ©Aidan Weltner 2014-2016